Information Vendor Tent Application


Applications will be date stamped when received by the Choctaw Nation and ranked based on scoring of the application questions. Selected vendors will be notified of approved booth space by June 1, 2024. Once the selected vendor receives the approval email, the vendor must confirm attendance and agree to the vendor guidelines.

Booth Setup

Booths will be open from Friday 10am-6pm, Saturday 10am-6pm and Sunday 12pm-6pm. All vendors will be assigned a space by designated Choctaw Nation personnel and are required to stay in the assigned space. The booth must have a representative present at all times during open hours. The Choctaw Nation will provide each vendor one six-foot table with two chairs. Additional tables and chairs are not permitted due to limited space. Boxes, crates or totes will not be allowed behind or around tables or near walkways.

Authorized Use

Vendor may only use the space for information distribution as described in the vendor’s approved application. Vendor may not use the space to sell merchandise or to enter into sales contracts of any type.


No vehicles should be left near the tent area. A golf cart is available for staff to assist with loading and unloading materials.


No animals are allowed on the premises (except service animals). Vendors violating this provision will be required to remove the animal or leave the premises.


All signage needs to be appropriate for the space provided. It should not block any other vendor space, or it will be removed.